The Doctoral Programme

Modern and Contemporary World History Doctoral Programme

Modern and Contemporary World History Doctoral Programme


Head of the program: Dr. Habil. Ágnes Judit Szilágyi (PhD)




Address:  1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 6–8, II. 209.


Our doctoral program has been tutoring PhD students since 1993, the launch of the historian doctoral school at our University. In the Doctoral School of History our program is one of the most popular ones. For writing a dissertation our courses provide not just essential preparation, but methodological preparation as well, looking out for the newest local and international results of the discipline. The workshops prepare our students for holding specialistic or informative lectures, along with developing publications for both local and international audiences. The high number of applicants enables us to set requirements for the knowledge of at least two foreign languages, one on an intermediate level, and one on an advanced level, outside of the expectation of historical awareness from the auditioned. Surveillance of the results and progress of our students happens annually, in the framework of scientific conferences. The most valuable presentations are then published in the journals close to the Department of Modern and Contemporary Universal History: in ”Öt kontinens” (Five Continents, a foreign language periodical edited by professor Dr. István Majoros) and in ”Évkönyv” (Yearbook, headed by professor Dr. Gábor Székely). Both issues are published in print, in limited copies, but their contents are accessible on the internet. Our lecturers, post-doctoral fellows, and PhD students are in a close professional relationship, and they co-operate with local institutions (MTA BTK TTI, NEB, Politikatörténeti Intézet etc.) concerned with similar topics, along with foreign universities and international organizations.

Erasmus connections provide semester-term research opportunities in foreign countries for our PhD students, and it is expected of them to use this opportunity.

Study Unit List of the Doctoral Programme

More information about the PhD Studies